Identifying your parenting style
The following questionnaire is divided into two parts with fifteen statements each. Part I is designed to help you identify your beliefs about being a parent. Part II focuses on your current home situation. As you read each statement, decide how much you agree with it. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, write the number from 1 to 5 that corresponds to your level of agreement:
- Strongly Disagree
- Disagree
- Neutral
- Agree
- Strongly Agree
Part I: Beliefs
- It is better to give a little ground and protect the peace than to stand firm and provoke a fight.
- Children need discipline that hurts a little so that they will remember the lesson later.
- Children shouldn’t always get their way, but usually we ought to learn to listen to what they have to say.
- The parent-child relationship is like a war in which if the parent wins, both sides win, but if the parent loses, both sides lose.
- If parents provide a good environment, children will pretty well raise themselves.
- The parent’s role is like that of a teacher who is preparing the child for a final exam called life.
- Childhood is so short that parents should do everything to make it a happy time.
- Spare the rod and spoil the child is still the best policy.
- Children need to learn what they may or may not do, but we don’t have to use punishment to teach.
- Whether we like it or not, children have the last word about what they will or won’t do.
- If you let children have a pretty free reign, they will eventually learn from the consequences of their behavior what is appropriate.
- Children first have to learn that the parent is boss.
- Too many children today talk back to their parents when they should just quietly obey them.
- If we want children to respect us, we must first treat them with respect.
- You can never do too much for your child, if it comes from genuine love.
Part II: Actions
- I often have to call my child more than once to get him or her out of bed in the morning.
- I have to constantly stay on top of my child to get things done.
- When my child misbehaves, he or she usually knows what the consequences will be.
- I often get angry and yell at my child.
- I often feel that my child is taking advantage of my good nature.
- We have discussed chores at our home and everybody takes part.
- My child gets a spanking on the average of at least once a month.
- My child has no regular chores around the home, but will occasionally pitch in when asked.
- I usually give my child clear instructions as to how I want something done.
- My child is a finiky eater, so I have to try various combinations to make sure he or she gets the proper nutrition.
- I don’t call my child names, and I don’t expect to be called names by my child.
- I usually give my child choices between two appropriate alternatives rather than telling my child what to do.
- I have to threaten my child with punishment at least once a week.
- I wish my child wouldn’t interrupt my conversations so often.
- My child usually gets up and ready without my help in the morning.